Everyone has games which they love the most, even if games like GTA4 gain a 10 it does not mean they're everyones favourite games. Anywayss these are my Top Five Greatest Games of All time!!!
No. 5 Jak n Daxter Series - Great Game, Mixes platforming, with shooting, with racing all in a cartoon world. May Sound Childish but the game is FUN!
No. 4 Prince of Persia Series - Another platformer with excellent gameplay however the story was confusing, but excellent and engaged the player.
No. 3 Forza Motorsport/Gran Turismo - I could not decide between these two., however that doesnt mater as they are both brilliant driving simulators. If you ever want to find out what a ferrari feels like for a couple of buck these are your best bets. Take your car imagination to another level with these games. Absolutely fantastic!!
No. 2 Gears of War - Simply one of the best games ever created, the story was not amazing but the gameplay and online were excellent and that is why im still playin the game 24/7 after nearly 2 years. Cant wait till Gears of War 2!!!!!!!!!!
No. 1 Now althpugh I dont own a PS3, this game will still be my favourite for previous playstations, and the new game may just convince me to buy a PS3, yh U probably guessed my favourite game ever, Metal Gear Solid!! - Every game in the series is fantastic with each game setting the benchmark for games technically, however the gameplay was also excellent and fun. However the main feature of Metal Gear which divides it from the rest is its story. A Masterpiece.
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