I will tell you what for all u=you thoughtless gamers out there who actually think a comparison can be made here are trully not very knowledgeable about what a game consists of. The lack of ability to figure that a game will look better on another piece of hardware is the most asinine sales pitch i have ever seen. First off an XBOX is a PC the PS3 is an 8 cell proccessor which architecture which is on the verge of replacing processors types of the present. Let me make this obvious i am not a fanboy of none but i will say that a comparison cannot be made under no cicumstance except slightly higher texture quality or draw distance and framerate. You want an actual comparison have gamespot get a developer to actually build a game from scratch that is exactly the same using seperate character models and textures. that are not ported. A CROSSPLATFORM GAME IS ALWAYS BUILD FOR THE LOWEST HARDWARE AT GAME RELEASE AND PORTED TO HIGHER SYSTEMS. Dont believe me look a when doom3 had to be ported to xbox, how much was lost? Texture were remade along with polygon reduction, screen resolution and lighting effects. It sad to really believe gamespots XBOX orientated asses honestly believe the gamer generation has became lifeless couch potato's with IQ's under 100. Seriously wake up people
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