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Doflamingo45 Blog

I got a few new games.

Seeing as I'm a huge fan of platformers I picked up Crash 1, 2 and 3. Psyconauts, Gex, Wiplash and Spyro. All of them I got through the PSN store excluding Wiplash. I can't wait to play them and that is all I wanted to post.


I've recently aquired Devil May Cry HD, Bioshock Infinite, and Ratchet and Clank Full Frontal Assualt. I'm currently playing through Sly Thieves In Time and I'm so far enjoying it. It brings me back to the first one where it was all about stealth. I did like the stealth but the minigames brought in from Sly 2 added a cool touch to the game. I'm really hyped to play Devil May Cry, I've heard so many good things about it. I'm also pretty hyped for Bioshock.

Ps3 Game Update! The Walking Dead (Tell Tale) #2

I completed The Walking Dead (Tell Tale). I must say it was sort of a roller coaster, and the ending.. oh man! This game was waaaay better then what I thought it would be at first. I'm completely all messed up now thanks to this games ending. But I guess that's a good thing if a game can do that to you. If you're a fan of zombie games then this is definatly the game to buy. It also has nothing to do with the TV series. Anyways the next game I'm starting is Sly Theives in Time. I'm hyped up for this seeing as the series is in my top 10 favorite games of all time. I'll be making a video on my YouTube page about my list. Until next time...

Ps3 Game Update! The Walking Dead (Tell Tale)

After finally finishing Jak II I've started the tell tale series of The Walking Dead. I'm on the 3rd episode out of 5. I'll be done in the next week or so. This game has messed with me so much at this point. I won't spoil anything but the way the story plays out it will mess you up. I will be platinuming this due to it being an easy playthrough. Once I'm done with it I'll write my final update on it. ~Doflamingo45

Ps3 Game Update! Jak II #2

I've decided to not platinum the game after finally completing it. I really disliked the last few missions in the simple reaosn of difficulty. The story though did take me by suprise, compared to the first game the second one had a huge twist at the end which in my opinion was a nice touch. I'll be moving onto Jak 3 after I beat a few other games on my list. Of course I'll be updating on those as well. ~Doflamingo45

Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon Progress Report #2

I'm currently on the 4th mission of the 3rd mansion. Like last update I have collected everthing (Boo's and gems). I must say the mansions are getting more and more confusing. Personally I feel that the game lacks it's original feel. For example in the first game you fought actual spirits and each one had different chararistics. Another thing to point out is the first game kept that spooky feeling throughout the whole game, in this new one it starts to fade after the second mansion. One good thing they brought to the table for this game was the boss fights, they are creative and some are challenging. I've been taking my time with this game because of my college work and my progress with my Ps3 games. I will beat it in the upcoming weeks though, that is for sure. I'll probably be making my final status report for this game when I do finally beat it.

Ps3 Game Update! Jak II

I've amost finished Jak II. It's extremely agravating and difficult to play. It puts me in a bad mood really easily. Even though all this anger is pushed on me, I still get excited after I beat a really hard and annoying mission. Anyways, I'm deciding wether to platinum it or not. I'll just have to collect all the orbs and gems. I've heard this is quite difficult though, so I'll have to look into it. I'll make another post on what's happening with this later. ~Doflamingo45

My Upcoming Reviews!

I will be uploading many more reviews. Upcoming ones such as; Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, Jak and Daxter, Jak II, Sly 1, Sly 2, Sly 3, Shadow Of The Colossus, and many more. I'll try and add as much detail and tell you as much as I can in my reviews so for whoever is reading them has a reliable source to follow.

Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon Progress Report #1

I'm currently playing the newly released Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon. So far it's nowhere near as good as the original but it's still fun nonetheless. I'm in the second mansion with a play time of maybe 5, 6, 7 hours. I've collected everything up to this point, Boo's, Gems and beaten the 1st bonus mission. The 1st mansion for me was pretty decent, the only hard point being the 1st boss. My rating for the first mansion would be a 4/5 for the simple fact that it was the first mansion, a tutorial mansion you could call it. Being the first mansion in the game it still had me in awe all the interesting places to explore in, and the money is fun to find. I'll post my next update when I progress further into the game.