Video games don't cause more violence,Its just that because the game industry have been growing these last years that more and more people who commit these violent acts also will happen to be in possession of a video game system.
Doggybones' forum posts
"set in 2013 ten years after the original racoon city incident" ok 1998-2013=10 years apparently[QUOTE="almasdeathchild"]
The average isnt that bad actually.
And thats my attempt at spin for the day.
Correct me if im wrong, but 1998 was when Alpha was sent to the mansion to look for Bravo. 2003 was when RC was nuked.
Raccoon City was destroyed the 1st of oktober 1998.
How much i liked the trailer there's one thing that bugged me.Why are the main characters once again Leon and Chris.Why not someone from the other characters like Rebecca,Barry,Claire,Jill,Billy or Sherry if they still care about her.Are we suppose to assume there dead,or that they just stopped caring about the biohazard disasters that marked their lives.These characters still have a great amount of story's to be told and i hope that capcom will eventually take the effort to work onthem.
If bioware got hold of the legend of Zelda franchise then each game would have only 4 dungeons and the remaining ones would be sold as DLC.
For now i dont care that much for the price.I just hope that in anearby event nintendo will break the ice and reveal it.
Yes we are working to release the successor of the wii and Yes it eats the playstation3 for breakfast
If on the other hand the rumors are totally wrong and the system is just some mediocre product that even the 360 surpasses then i will raise my middlefinger to them and ditch most of the respect i have for them.
Seriously he always makes the same mistake in the beginning of the game. He kidnaps the wrong person.Its always Zelda.If i were him i kidnap Link and trow him in some deep dungeon.If Links trapped he cant have you must save the world speech,he cant go through 9 dungeons growing stronger each time he wont obtain the master word and gain the triforse of courage.Its not like Zelda is a treat for him unless she travels through 9 dungeon growing stronger obtains the Light bow - master Sword and unleashe the Trifors of Wisdom.That is very unlikely.Unfortunately if she would do all that and eventually kick his butt it would probably be more shame-full for him sinds he got defeated by a girl but that a risk he should take.If only for the change we would have to play as Zelda.
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