Ratchet and Clank is on platinum if you like that game. Not my thing tho but its only £18in the UK..
I would recommend burnout and Grid for driving games.
Heavenly sword and Drakes fortune (also platinum)
Oblivion for adventure (dont get game of the year edition its bugged)
GTA 4 of course, Call of Duty 4 caus its so much fun online but be aware there seem to be 1000s of retards on consoles and its hard to mute them.
Wait for Fallout 3 which looks immense. Hmmm what else do i have... Warhawk you can download on the online shop for £20. I dont think i have missed any of the top games. Resistance fall of man is pretty good fun and is also platinum, but for me is a bit over rated. If you are limited get call of duty 4 as your shooter. 1000 times better single player and online.
Have fun!! Welcome to PS3 land :D
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