Uncharted: Drakes Fortune (2007). I just got my PS3 Uncharted 3 bundle on Tuesday and played Uncharted 3 for a few minutes. I then figured that I better go play Uncharted 1 and 2 first.
While I don't think WoW is dead, I do think it's on a decline. The capital cites, Orgrimmar and Stormwind are full of people waiting for their dungeons, but anywhere outside the cities is dead. I think this is what Bliz wants. They have made the leveling process so easy and fast just so you can get to endgame and stand around in the cities. I tried to level new toons back in April but it was so boring and empty in the world, that I just had to stop. It really doesn't feel like an MMO anymore. As dumb as Mists of Pandaria look, it does look they are trying to change things up a bit but it might be too late. I was hoping for the next expansion to blow my socks off and make me want to go back and I just don't see that happening.
Mike Tyson's Punch Out on the NES. I would be a punch away from pulling this out and then would get beat down in a matter of seconds and lose. It's a good thing we had carpet or I would have had to replace more than a few controllers.
I really miss those days. We had a few mom and pop video stores around (we had Blockbuster but we always supported the small chains) and it was so exciting to go in and find new VHS and NES games to rent. You could rent games for up to 3 days for just 99 cents. Those days are long gone sadly. It's all streaming and digital downloads now.
I miss the game manuals. I grew up on the NES and I loved how when I would open a game I would have a manual, map etc to look at. There would be bits about the story, or backgrounds on the characters and I really enjoyed that. I guess that now days the game manufacturers want to "cut down on costs" so they doing away with them.
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