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Don0van's forum posts
i found it but i was on the xbox website i think its like in demos or something it was kinda confusing
its kinda hard to say which is better it really depends on the game cuz like a game like gears of war that would be so weird from first person but i like 3rd person the most but i like games like fallout and oblivion that let you do both cuz there both real fun
ya but i dont even see why you would want to play with bots over real people it would be boring against botsIt has offline mp but no bots.
Ya it should have came with a cable i guess if it didnt go to like a gamestop or something and ask them they will most likly help you with itYour new 120 should have come with a transfer cable.
you basicly are everyone likes first person shooters but i do like third person shooters to idk which one i like more thats why im a fan of like fallout and oblivion because you can pick if you want third or firstMAN ! Am i gonna get insulted for this :P .. But I really do prefer third person shooters ..
ya i would to this ones not even like cool the other one i thi9nk was much better and all the old backgrounds i payed for i can only see one pic from them now and not even the full pic unless i click on a bunch of stuff and its just a pain and the avatar isnt even lke cool you cant do anything with it and they come out with the weirdest cloths like cloths for work no one wants that they want like armor from fallout or army cloths from call of duty but anyway ya not a fan of the dashboardI would change it back but keep all the features.
there was a demo for alil but but then they got rid of it but trust me buy it only if you have xbox live thought cuz its so fun to play online and theres new DLC which makes it even more fun if you like shooting games you will like this
it was like americanpornstarxxx
[QUOTE="Legendaryscmt"]This is the cancer killing XBLI just want those annoying little kids gone from Live. There should be an age limit for being online.
Thats very true there may be one or to that arent super annoying but some dont shut up and keep talking and when people cheat on live and stuff it games which basicly makes it not fun cuz you can kill them or something cuz there glitching like thats people as annoying as lil kids people just need to play fair bt i guess they glitch cuz they would get owned other wise
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