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DonColioni Blog

My September/October Wishlist

I really hate the games companies. They have all year to release games but release them all in the space of two bloody months. My wishlist is far too freaking long and is gonna cost me a bomb. So far the list is:

Sneaky August

  • Too Human


  • Golden Axe
  • Legendary
  • Infinite Undiscovery
  • Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
  • Star Wars: The Force Unleashed


  • Fable II
  • Mirror's Edge
  • Little Big Planet
  • Wet

And there just the ones that defo have to buy, theres still atleast another 4 that I might buy. GRRRRRRRRRRRR. Why do I like all games far too much lol

I wanna see Daywatch

I ended up watching the whole of Nightwatch last night on Film4 and remembered how amazing it is, now I really wanna see Daywatch that came out last week but none of my friends will go with me to see it.

Its so unfair :(

Microsoft Hates Me

It's official that Microsoft now hates me.

They must know that I have loads of games that I wanna play and for that reason they ain't sending me back my Xbox that broke ages ago. I so badly need it back.

I have, at this moment in time, Medal Of Honor: Airborne, Tiger Woods 08, Madden 08, Stranglehold, Two Worlds and as of this morning Halo 3 that all need playing and its driving me mad.

I plea to Microsoft, please send me an Xbox soon cause this is close to torture.

Death of another 360

Well it's happened yet again, 3 red lights and a broken 360. I know this does not come as a surprise to anybody at all seen as everybody that has owned a 360 more than 3 month has had some problem with it, mainly it ending its own life.

This wouldn't p**s me off as much as it does if it had broken a month or so ago in the massive slump of games when I had no use for it but to look pretty on my shelf and collect dust. But, as with all the other times its gone ker-putt, it has waited until i bloody need it.

Take you back in a time a bit here, my first 360 was one of the original ones that had its death sentence given to it the moment it left the factory and that died the day after I got bought and got hooked on Oblivion. The second 360 that died was he day after I bought and got hooked on Gears of War. Now the third 360 that has died, has died a day before I get Two Worlds which I really wanna play on, plus I still have Tiger Woods '08 and Madden '08 to finish. As well as all the games that I wanna play on, my new 32" HD TV arrives tomorrow too which will not be used for its sole purpose anymore.

I really do hope that the new one is going to last now, you would think that by now they would have worked out how to stop them killing themselves at the most inopportune moments.

Why must this happen....... seems to happen every year and theres probably a really good explanation for it but I just don't know it. For the whole holidays I get, there are hardly any games being released for anything then come September, there releaseing em left, right and centre.

Its not that bad a thing, I just don't have the money to get em. On the 31st August, there are 4 games which I want and 3 of em I have to get. They are Two Worlds, Tiger Woods '08, Stuntman and Medal Of Honor: Airbourne. Now this comes to a total of nearly £150 which is ridiiculous, then after that theres loads more coming out like Stranglehold, Heavenly Sword, Assasins Creed, Madden '08, Halo 3, Guitar Hero 3 and Rock Band (plus all the instruments). Thats only to name a few. Thankgod I only have to wait until 1st October until I get my student loan. I'm sure that will cover it all.

Ultimate Boredom

Since I got home from Uni, I have never been so bleeding bored in all my life. I thought I was bored in the last few week of Uni but atleast there I had friends that would come and talk to me and igo out on an evening if I wanted to. But that really wasn't boredom at all, being home is.

I have nobody to talk to cause all my Uni mates are flung across the country and all my friends I have here all have jobs. My music playlist is getting very repetative. All my games have either become boring or Ive finished em. I have a PS3 sitting here and I have hardly played it, all the games I have suck, Virtua Fighter sucks. Virtua Tennis is boring, Genji is boring. And dont get started on how much Resistence both sucks and is boring and is one of the worst shooters Ive ever played.

I just want time to fly to Thursday when I get both Overlord and The Darkness, they should keep me going for a while.

Its So Unfair...

.... my mother has just phoned me to confirm that my new Alienware computer has just arrived at her door.  Now this usually would be good news but Im not actually there, Im 100 miles away at Uni. The computer wasnt supposed to ship until next Monday and was expecting it to arrive on Thursday.  Now its here a week early and I can't even see it.

To top that off my PS3 will arrive tomorrow at my parents house which I am still 100 miles away from :evil: I have to wait until next Saturday before my Dad picks me up to take me home for Easter, atleast I will be occupied for the two weeks lol

PS3 help please!!!

hey everybody, i was just wondering if anybody knows if there will be a cable for the PS3 that lets you plug your monitor into the PS3 thru VGA like there is for the 360

I just ordered my PS3 WOOHOO!!!

Well all my getting up early to check the GAME website has paid off as I ordered my PS3 this morning about 5 hours after I got the e-mail allowing me to pre-order it.

I was planning on getting it with Resistence: Fall of Man, Genji and another control but unfortunatly ya couldn't, ya can only order two bundles.  One had the PS3, Resistence: Fall of Man, Call of Duty 3 and Motorstorm and the other had the PS3, Resistence: Fall of Man, Virtua Fighter 5 and Virtua Tennis 3.  So I decided to go for the second option cause I already played Call of Duty on the 360 and I would get bored of it, plus I quite enjoy playing tennis games, expecially Virtua Tennis.

So hopefully I will get it on release date but I can swing upto a week after, one because i got my 360 a week after I was supposed to and two, I'm not going home until a week after release so even if I do get one for release, I can't play on it lol.

Hopefully soon they let the joe public order them too so that I can order individual games (Genji and Devil May Cry 4) and an extra contoller so I can whoop some ass all my games WOOHOO!!! :D

Also because I ordered it today, Valentines Day won't suck as much as usual cause this cheered me up, but don't get me wrong, Valentines Day is still the worst day of the year.

spent too much money

yesterday i planned on buying the da vinci code on dvd. i ended roaming hmv for an hour and came away with the da vinci code, shawshank redemption, fearless, house of flying daggers, the truman show, unleashed, lord of war and airplane.  total £60.  then i ended buying a years membership at a pool hall.

i did well

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