Well all my getting up early to check the GAME website has paid off as I ordered my PS3 this morning about 5 hours after I got the e-mail allowing me to pre-order it.
I was planning on getting it with Resistence: Fall of Man, Genji and another control but unfortunatly ya couldn't, ya can only order two bundles. One had the PS3, Resistence: Fall of Man, Call of Duty 3 and Motorstorm and the other had the PS3, Resistence: Fall of Man, Virtua Fighter 5 and Virtua Tennis 3. So I decided to go for the second option cause I already played Call of Duty on the 360 and I would get bored of it, plus I quite enjoy playing tennis games, expecially Virtua Tennis.
So hopefully I will get it on release date but I can swing upto a week after, one because i got my 360 a week after I was supposed to and two, I'm not going home until a week after release so even if I do get one for release, I can't play on it lol.
Hopefully soon they let the joe public order them too so that I can order individual games (Genji and Devil May Cry 4) and an extra contoller so I can whoop some ass all my games WOOHOO!!! :D
Also because I ordered it today, Valentines Day won't suck as much as usual cause this cheered me up, but don't get me wrong, Valentines Day is still the worst day of the year.
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