Well it's happened yet again, 3 red lights and a broken 360. I know this does not come as a surprise to anybody at all seen as everybody that has owned a 360 more than 3 month has had some problem with it, mainly it ending its own life.
This wouldn't p**s me off as much as it does if it had broken a month or so ago in the massive slump of games when I had no use for it but to look pretty on my shelf and collect dust. But, as with all the other times its gone ker-putt, it has waited until i bloody need it.
Take you back in a time a bit here, my first 360 was one of the original ones that had its death sentence given to it the moment it left the factory and that died the day after I got bought and got hooked on Oblivion. The second 360 that died was he day after I bought and got hooked on Gears of War. Now the third 360 that has died, has died a day before I get Two Worlds which I really wanna play on, plus I still have Tiger Woods '08 and Madden '08 to finish. As well as all the games that I wanna play on, my new 32" HD TV arrives tomorrow too which will not be used for its sole purpose anymore.
I really do hope that the new one is going to last now, you would think that by now they would have worked out how to stop them killing themselves at the most inopportune moments.