Today I played Black and White 2 for the first time. My brothers in law have it installed on their gaming PC. Very nice.
I followed the previews, and watched the videos on GS, but had not played it until now. It really lived up to my expectations.
I am particularly impressed by the influence options.Particularly since you are rewarded with good karma for peacefully converting everyone, rather than decimating them by a show of force. This was the innovation I was looking for, not just from RTS games, but also from RPGs and other game options.
A lot of players are looking for a harder edge and a t\darker tone, but I respect a game that allows you to choose the tone of your behavior.
. . . I also liked B&W2 because you are playing an RTS but it doesn't feel like an RTS. Much more casual. That is my speed. I will leave competitive gaming to others.
Speaking of competitive gaming, I tried to convince my wife the other day I am practicing to be a competitive, full-time Lumines player. She wasn't interested. . . something about not providing enough support for a family.
The game is deep.