Lately the Big Three have been making a lot of statements. It seems the next-gen system war is heating up and it is spilling over into a PR war.
Nintendo renames its console, Gates makes statements about Halo 3, Phil Harrison is calling people stupid and saying the PS3 will replace PCs, Peter Moore says "nobody is concerned anymore about backward compatibility" . . . I could go on.
While all of the talking heads are going on about technology and branding and which system is better, they are causing casualties. In tactical stations around the world, PR people are dying as their terminals explode from truly shameful executive statements.
Observe the destruction within the Nintendo PR room after the Wii announcement:
I'm not sure how OSHA allows this danger to persist, but it needs to stop. Common workstations are just not capable of handling the intense data pressure generated by ludicrous statements.
The additional hazard pay provided to Marketing and PR employees is insufficient to offset the danger. This is why it is essential for executives to think before they speak.