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Daughter listens to podcast, film at 11!

A while ago I blogged about the many pulls on my time.

School, work, family, and the like were very much a drag on discretionary time. These days I wonder what it would be like to go back to those carefree days.

I have this awesome supply-chain paper to write, calculations for just-in-time deliveries, days of work, and plenty of forum patrolling. Perhaps that explains why I haven't even had a chance to listen to the latest ish-dition of the HotSpot. It turns out that my daughter was able to listen to the podcast without me.

While I was laboring yesterday, my wife called me and asked me to listen. On the other end I heard Alex, Jeff, and Rich talking. After about a minute, my wife told me what my ears couldn't see: My daughter had settled down for an informative session from the March 27 ish-dition of the HotSpot. My toddler--on her own--had evidently scaled the furniture boundary we had erected, opened the laptop, started iTunes, and selected the podcast to play. After commencing the playback, she then sat contentedly, listening for the pearls of wisdom to drop from the mouths of the GameSpot staff.

I was jealous. That was a priceless family moment, worthy of a commercial, and I wasn't there.