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Dress You Up in my PS2

I dusted off Final Fantasy X-2 last night. Strange how. . . relevant it is. The music and general post-70s funk factor Square-Enix incorporated into the game was great. It really, really worked. I look forward to continuing my play. The whole open environment of it is a bonus.

My wife asked which of the outfits she should get. I can't say any of them are attractive. Contextually I suppose they work, but in reality have no appeal. . . That's all I choose to say about that.

I can't explain why, but I've really been taken with the whole excavation in the desert. Who would have thought trolling around sand dunes exhuming machina. . . er, machine parts would be so fun? I'm glad FFX-2 didn't take itself too seriously. It has some meat to it, but the style is really fun. . . and that is what games should be.