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Emporer Killing

Why are emporers called emporers? What is the difference between a king and an emporer? The size of the kingdom? The way you rule? And why such a negative stigma associated with emporers?

Well, either way I killed the Emporer of Palamecia last night, just outside of Fynn . . . in the middle of a tornado. I cut right through the elite guards on horseback and took the guy down with my Ripper(TM) dagger. It was satisfying.

Unfortunately, nature abhors a vacuum. That was the justification the Dark Knight (not Batman) used to ascend to the throne, and transition himself into the leadership role over all of Palamacia.

It kind o fmakes me wonder who the new dictator of Iraq will be, but that is just silly politics. There aren't any Dark Knights these days. . . except for Batman. If Batman is real, then perhaps that means Batgirl is real too.

Mmmmm . . . Batgirl