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Gamebox Strikes Again

The Internet seems to be rife with people who take all manner of objects to their high-priced consumer electronics. From the kids using a PSP as a hockey puck in the street, to the Xbox 360 which met an unceremonious end on its ship date thanks to a couple of kids taking a baseball bat to its frame in the Wal-Mart parking lot so many perfectly good units, meet an untimely demise. Thanks to Google's all-seeing eye, I witnessed an XBox withstand a score of blows from a garden pick before finally fracturing.

The idea of selling back systems is baffling to begin with, so the wanton destruction of these gadgets would be the furthest things from my mind.

Tonight I aim to use my Xbox to play some networked, multiplayer matches the likes of which Q1 2006 has never seen. Yup, it's ladies' night, which means it is game night. At 6:30 it all goes down. I suppose Halo 2 will be but one of the flavors on tap. I doubt Crimson Skies will grace the screen, but perhaps we can find a suitable alternative. . . and Ghost Recon is not an alternative.

My father has yet to connect his 360. It just sits there in his living room. I've been trying to encourage him to take it back and see if he can get the deluxe system from one of our retail contacts (on the cheap). He refuses, but does nothing to actually use the one he has. It would've been great to play game night on the 360 though. Too bad he won't let me borrow it.

The only things to be destroyed tonight will be the morale of those who lose.