I just dropped off my 360 at a UPS-compatible shipping location. I was expecting a swift transit to Texas (where the repair location is evidently located), but the lady who accepted my parcel said it wouldn't go out until Monday.
Evidently UPS trucks don't do pick ups on the weekend. Whatever.
This past week without my 360 has been rather strange. Not only has my console been dead, but my wife and child have also been gone on a trip. My home seems especially empty without my wife and daughter. This would have been the best time to play; no wife to feel jealous about me spending copious amounts of time gathering achievements. When I get home from work I want to talk to somebody, but instead I just have more work to do. I'd love to be able to talk with my friends online, or at least play the games I want to play. One night I sat and watched Colbert Report re-runs until I couldn't stay awake any longer.
Lest I sound too whiny, I have benefited from the forced deprivation. I have found a new respect for my multiple friends who have lost not only their spouses, but also their children. I know, and have known, many people who lost their wife and their children at the same time. While I don't pretend to be in the same predicament, my lot helps me understand far better the situations those friends are in.
At the end of each day, my loss of my console is forgettable and very insignificant to me, compared to how much I miss my wife and daughter. Hopefully my family returns from their trip sooner rather than later.