Like many, I bought Halo 3 during opening day yesterday. To be honest, I don't know what my wife did with it once we got home. Honestly, it doesn't matter to me right now. I am focused on finishing more of the multiplayer achievements in Vegas, completing Call of Doodie 2, and getting ready for the return of classes this weekend than I am finishing the Master Chief's fight for him.
Truth be told, the whole reason I picked upHalo 3 when I did was to play it cooperatiely on Legendary with some of my college friends. We have always been big into multiplayer gaming and Halo 3 was the next on their hit list. Once one of them gets back from traveling in emerging markets, we can roll four-deep through the wide world of t3h Haloz.
Word on the street is I will probably be darkening CNET doors again this week. Final word has yet to arrive. While I can't really talk about it right now, I have to say I am excited by the myriad of things our friends at and are working on. Some of you may have heard about GameSpot's Players' Ball. If you haven't, you won't get any information out of me. You can be assured I will be there. What's not to like about games in a club?