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Heroes and the New Icon

Tuesday morning means Heroes.'s squishyhippo supplied the new user icon. Peter Petrelli is definitely the character I identify the most with on Heroes. Thus, the coolest scene of Peter is the coolest user icon I could choose. Check out my profile to see.

While I wasn't uber stoked about this week's episode, I can see the writers are continuing to keep the watchers off balance. So far so good. This week, the entire cast has been left hanging in precarious situations, no pun intended.

My biggest gripe is Sylar. I thought we had all the head-sawing behind us. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case. With the sheer body count in the first season, I am wondering how much of the core cast will be left for the second season. I don't want to spoil anything, but I am still wondering.

I need to post some more in the Heroes space over in Something has to tide me over for the next month.