I am finishing the Keynote address from Mac World. I knew better than to watch this thing. I am one of the +50% new additions to the Apple "family"and as far as keynotes go, Jobs did a great job.
In the demonstration of Apple TV, Jobs showed off HEROES. For those of you who may have forgotten, tonight HEROES returns to TV (in the US). We don't have cable, so we probably won't be watching. However, I am hoping NBC will be uploading the show to the web, as they have with the rest of the season.
Tonight also provides the return of Button Mashing. I am hoping this year will be the year I get to make an appearance on Button Mashing. Either way, it is stil the best gaming game show on the Internet.
No, I refuse to give in to the power of the iPhone. Cisco already had that, but Apple did make it sexy.
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