I don't know if your name is Karl, Kevin, Kirit, or even Karen. All I know is Bizarre Creations has done you a disservice. While it would not surprise me if most people who really knew you thought you were a decent guy (or gal), the artificial intelligence programmed to be like you is a terrible driver.
When I was repeatedly facing off against you in the Shinjuku Street Cup you took every opportunity to push, nudge, slam, or bully me into barriers. While the frustration was immense, I did my best to not drag your name through the dirt too often. You'll have to forgive me since I did think of a certain place I would like to see you cast.
Now that I have finally defeated you and claimed the ShinStreeCup for myself, maybe we should go out for some drinks. I can remind you what a mess I made of your banana-yellow Viper.
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