My wife and I went out to visit my parents today. It was fun. Not just because we got to see each other, but also because my wife and I got the old band back together. That's right Electric Knife is touring once more!!!
Some time ago a friend from Activision lent us his copy of Guitar Hero II. We formed a band and were very sad the day we had to return the game. It should be no secret my wife got me the full Rock Band 2 set up for Christmas. Since it came early we can play from time-to-time when we visit my parents' place.
She was on drums and I was on vocals. After we fixed the HD lag we did a lot better. Today we rocked out and played from the top of the San Francisco set to the bottom. While she never enjoys games (especially if I am playing instead of providing undivided attention her direction), she was really getting back into the groove. I am hoping we will get to play some more during our impending holiday break.
I'll see if I can get some pictures uploaded. While I don't have pictures of her getting 96% drums on a song whilst nursing, I do have a picture of me singing Today by Smashing Pumpkins while I was holding my son after he spit up on me.
Happy Thanksgiving and a pleasant Friday!