Like some of you know the Emporer comes back in FF2. Yeah, he made some deal with demons, and has brought a horde of evil flowing back into the world. Never saw that one coming.
What is it about the evil masterminds that makes them keep coming back? The guy in Die Hard, after being choked with a chain and beaten senseless still comes out to take a shot at Bruce Willis' character. In the Dark Empire comics, Emporer Palpatine comes back via cloned bodies. Let's not forget Chucky. . . he just won't die. What's up with that?
I guess you just can't keep a bad villain down.
Now that I have slogged through the Jade Canyon and fought through the maddening halls of Pandemonium I have come face to face with the Undead Emporer himself. The only problem is I am not strong enough to defeat him. So, I am going to put everyone on a strict exercise program to improve fitness. Then we'll see who wins.