Okay all y'all I'm here to blow your mind.
I had lunch with a marketing exec from Sony. He didn't reveal any trade secrets or anything, or blow the cover on the PS3. I find it interesting how in the dark corporations keep their employees prior to major releases. When the individuals responsible for setting up and managing the booth don't even know what will be announced or shown in said booth by execs, something is amiss.
Now I understand all of the hush-hush policies and need to keep secrets secret, but surely you can provide more details than at such-and-such time so-and-so will speak to provide a major announcement. Given, what is appropriate to talk about with me (not a Playstation employee) is very little, or completely consigned to past topics, I would think the PR and Marketing guys would be at least the second people to know what will be discussed. But I guess not.
I considered the history of the PSP to be amusing conversation, particularly the part about how Sony employees had to fend for themselves in trying to acquire their own units. . . just l;ike the rest of the consumer world. When you are expecting to deliver 1,000,000 units in the first 24 hours, surely you can provide up to 900 more for your employees, if they wanted to secure one for themselves. Nope.
Even EA makes games available to their own.
That is just the way it goes I suppose.