If you were going to be up at the CNET offices for an afternoon who would you choose to do lunch with?
For me it was a no-brainer: Tim Tracy.
It was a pleasant day in the City of San Francisco. We had a short walk down to Subway and a long chat about games, live feeds, and just how bullet-proof a 360 warranty could be. All-in-all a fun time was had by all.
While I had exchanged private messages with Tim over the years, he and I had never really had time to talk aside from my well-wishes one afternoon as I was being escorted around the building.
In case anybody is wondering, Tim is very much the pleasant, affable individual he appears to be in his videos. He was kind, easy to talk to, and honestly one of the most genial individuals I have shared lunch time with in a while. While I am currently chilling in the CNET lobby before another meeting begins, I wanted to be sure and share this great experience while I had the chance.
Thanks Tim!