Was it not Han Solo who once sardonically observed, "I'm out of it for a little while and everyone gets delusions of grandeur!"
As of right now my new router has been successfully set up. Since my wife is watching a movie, I have yet to determine whether the 360 works with our new wireless routing wonder. If so, that means Monday will be a return to the Carbon-rolling days of yore.
Thursday I was able to watch both On the Spot and the PS3 debut broadcast. Don't ask me why I didn't get my emblem; other things are more important anyway. As I have mentioned in other areas, the highlight was definitely watching Tim and the lara model chat it up like they were at a singles' mixer.
The big downer came when she confessed for having a thing for cowboys. . . Don't get me wrong, I spent some time in a cowboy-populated town of rural Idaho; arguably the best time of my single adulthood. It was just sad to see a perfectly pleasant, and generally affable metrosexual see his chances with a decent-looking gal get put out to pasture.
Tim, my condolances.
During the broadcast I was also able to join the chat. Haven't darkened the portals of a chatroom in quite some time. All the same, I am eagerly anticipating the Wii launch party tonight. Hopefully I'll get the emblem for showing up though.
That's Wicked Sick!
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