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Something Old, Something New

While my wife is gone to attend her sister's wedding I have been playing two things which have been especially noteworthy.  

Last night I downloaded the demo for Lost Planet. When I first saw the announcement trailer I didn't find it compelling at all. When Greg played it on a recent episode of On the Spot, it seemed a bit more interesting. When I played it last night I thought it was outstanding.

A lot of details in the game are just mind blowing. The snow kicks away when you trudge through arctic drifts. you have to dig stuff out of the snow. You can't run around in sub-zero temperatures forever. People who live in Minnesota or Siberia discovered these truths long ago. Nevertheless, to have an authentic snow recreation in a game is truly impressive. I am certainly looking forward to checking the game out when it is published.

The other game I have been revisiting has been Lego Star Wars. I figured if I want to get the second one on the 360 I need to play through the first one again so I can have a saved game on my 360 hard drive just in case any achievements are dependent upon a previous play. I didn't think it possible but the game seems more charming the second time through than I remembered from the first time.

Now I just need to return my borrowed copy of Tomb Raider: Legend.