This morning as I was driving in for my first day at the new job, I couldn't help but think of driving yesterday, Sunday, online. The sun was right in my eyes as I drove down 101. Surprisingly the freeway was moving at a pretty fast clip (uncharacteristic of the Bay's most notoriously crowded freeway). It is a holiday.
Need for Speed Most Wanted had some great bloom effects for daytime driving. I found that driving experience to be a lot more interesting and pleasant than the after hours motoring in Carbon. Most Wanted had charm from unintentionally campy FMV. Carbon just has viruses . . . viruses I have since spread to members of the GS staff.
Yesterday I got online to share the Carbon viruses with Jeff. That brought him 50 points closer to his 1,500-point goal. Hopefully driving down the dark streets was a pleasant relief from the pain-inducing gameplay of Eragon.
While I would like to harvest more points to get my 1,500 by the deadline, I can see school and work are both about to consume me. So, for those of you looking for game night tomorrow, you may have to ask Santa, because I don't think I will be hosting. Stay tuned to the GameSpot Live Union for any updates or notices as to when the next Union play time will be.
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