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The King of Kong

an I get a w00t for this new emblem? Evidently I've "exhaustively used with the tagging system." [sic]

Yesterday, after a marathon Halo 2 session, I completed King Kong on the 360. That aKomplishment Katapulted my achievements into the thousands.

The monkey game wasn't really that tough. If it hadn't been for the points, I Kan honestly say I would have never played. Now I just have to tie together all of the PerfeKts I racked up in Burnout Revenge. Then I Kan rent some disposable games to get the sKore to the artificially high "normal" level.

Microsoft really needs to sell a shirt that says, "I play for points."

In the next two weeks I have: finals, moving, and more work than I Kare to think about. Truly, Summer time has arrived.