I am trying to decide what the biggest event of the week was. My wife and I were really excited about the return of LOST, but were disappointed. I'm not talking about abandoning the series disappointed, but only slightly entertained by what we saw. They are now trying too hard. There's good stuff there, but. . .
Colbert's coverage of the inauguration and the first days of President Barack Hussain Obama in the oval office were amusing. Seriously, this last week, was just kind of meh all around. Perhaps I feel that way because I have been mostly head's down in my consulting work and other job-related activities. Both have been going well, but taking a lot of time.
Last week, on the other hand had quite the body count. Ricardo Montalban, Patrick McGoohan, and other notable celebs returned to their Maker. Ricardo "These-are-my-real-pecs" Montalban was best known to the world as the master of Fantasy Island. To the nerdcore he was the poetry spitting mastermind of galactic domination KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! Patrick "I-am-not-a-number-I-am-a-free-man" McGoohan was the legend behind The Prisoner, the best television show ever to grace the airwaves. . . ever. As has been observed by Badger, "It's the gutsiest show I've ever watched. Behind all the espionage, the paranoia, the double-crossing, the show was about having the guts to define yourself on your own terms. Who you are is nobody's business but your own."
Be seeing you.