What happened?
Since I have been concentrating on work and school lately I have found way too much time to be harvesting points. The mission seems to be mutually exclusive to the result.
Today my copy of Oblivion arrived. Truly troubling news. Given how immersive, expansive and otherwise time consuming this title is said to be I am rather apprehensive about opening it.
I have finished X-Men the Official game. I drank that title dry of all 1000 points. A few people have been requesting a video blog about my eperience with the game. As soon as I am reunited with my working microphone I just might make their collective wish come true. For now I am trying to focus all of my mental energies on essays, classes, and jobs. That mental fortitude is of a particular necessity since I know Oblivion awaits.
Need for Speed Carbon is still just around the corner. I think I've missed race week. I'll just have to keep racing to get that achievement later. . . if it ever comes around again. I am also hopeful that the glut of people who are continuing hitting the XBL superhighway will not impair my ability to find and defeat an EA mod. I may have to place a personal call to EA. Maybe Larry Probst III will be online.
The missing:
I still haven't gotten my last Time Pilot achievement.
I still need to go back and complete the RotJ time trial in Lego Star Wars II.
While I don't anticipate earning the S and SS rankings in DoA4, I have a couple other achievements I want to unlock online before I limit my play to a select-few opponents.
I have probably a handful of XBLA titles I just need to close the book on: Gauntlet, Scramble, Pac-Man, Frogger, and more.
Since my father loaded up Moto GP on my box and we tested out Chrome Hounds, I have those titles bringing my completion averages way down; I'm at 68.75% of non-demo titles. While I doubt Moto GP will ever hold my attention over Oblivion or Carbon, I need to at least make an effort to gather some points. Really, I am not a fan of racing games. You'd never know by the way I gush about Most Wanted.
I also did a bad thing tonight: I put in a request for Gears of War. Why did I do that? Don't I have enough violent, M-rated shooters I can be playing? Peer pressure can be such a pain. I have gone on and on about too much already. I had better save something for that video blog.
Good night everyone. I'm going to go play some Castlevania.
. . . What a horrible night to have a curse.
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