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Updates? Anybody?

Recently, a lot of people have been PM'ing me about my blog. Sorry I haven't posted since revealing my unusual discovery. I have been busy with work, school, and my shake-up. Seriously, finals will do that to you.

That probably explains why I haven't dedicated some of the limited bandwidth I have left to writing reviews. My achievement harvesting has also been stunted. That said, I have had some noteworthy gaming moments in the last week:

Guyzea and his clan helped me with some Vegas map attacks

Caro and I played some online TabTenn

Eragon has started to mock me for finishing the Normal difficulty but then neglecting the Hard

Raving Rabbids said, "Waaaaaaaaah!" after being abandoned following a weekend of play

Carcassonne is still really fun to play . . . even after unlocking all of the achievements

Uno is better with people you know (Thanks Dave!)

GUS, seriously, more Super Contra achievements STAT

One of these days Rawr and I are going to finish MUA's hard mode

My wife even played We Love Katamari with me one night. That was both a surprise and a delight

That's all I've got. Thanks everybody for playing! It's been a fun week.