So, I was at CHI 2005 the other day talking to the R&D boys from Microsoft Games, and I asked them if we were going to see variations on games.
Not just any variations did I ask about but the variations of content. Remember that awesome game Drakan: Order of the Flame? Yeah I do too. I loved that game. Especially since I could tone down the gore. All of the sudden I could take that gib-filled M game and turn it into a Teen-friendly adventure game.
I wish I could do that with Halo. . . for the kids. My brothers in law are coming out to live with us this Summer. They are all excited at being able to play Halo with me, but my wife won't let them. In their home M-rated games were not to be found. She also holds that in our home they won't even be allowed to play T games. Not much gaming will be going on then.
I guess they can play Katamari, or Lego Star Wars. . . or something. I'm sure I can dust off my Gamecube and we can all play some Mario Party together. That'd be fun! Unfortunately, we will just have to see.
However, if content of games could be toned down (a la the recent bill president Bush signed to allow consumers to do some after-market editing of their movies) that would be ideal. When asked about this feature the guys at Microsoft looked at me like I was crazy. The artists would never allow that, and that feature would not justify the extra time prior to release to build it in.
Too bad. I could go for some better sanitizing of my entertainment media..