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Where did you dig up that old fossil?

Recently I have exhumed some of my old games. Normally this would be a time of enjoyment, and rejoicing at my prodigal games being found once more. In this instance, it has left me further from my goal: grood taste.

No, no my taste is great, though slightly impaired by a lack of smell.I'm talking about the Good Taste badge awarded by

I was at an impressive 8.4, but I figured being honest about what is in my collection was better than working some voodoo on the numbers. I can say I own the 9+ GTA games and thus boost my score. . . or I can admit I own Insurrection: Campaigns for Starcraft

It was a difficult decision, but in the end I was rewarded for my honesty. You see, Insurrection brought me one game closer to that Serious Collector award. That is a small comfort.

Good taste is like . . . good sight, you are either born with it, or you get professional help to correct your impairment. I'd like to think I have the gift of discernment, but I know I am only a step away from game counseling. Someone is going to try to convince me I can't live without GTA3. I'm going to be told repeatedly that Mario Party is not the pinnacle of multiplayer experiences, and that the Halo Triple Pack really is the best game ever, and deserves a 10.0.

At the end of the day, only my newfound appreciation for the Metal Gear Solid series can help me *not* sleep at night. What an amazing story. Seriously, that was the best non-movie I have played in a long time. The twists, turns, and revelations (though they were not new to me when I played) really combined for an exciting, edge-of-your-seat experience.

During a few instances my wife was biting her nails she was so anxious. She watched a bit of the game with me. Too bad we can't go through the cutscenes like a movie (Subsistence). I am anxious to play the game again, only faster and more intense(ly).

. . . and yet, I still have Substance to sink my teeth into. . . but I want to see the other ending. . . and then get the tuxedo. . . and. .  and. . .

You see? One step away from therapy. No game is worth this.

. . . even if it is rich.