If you missed last week's On the Spot, we had some great games on there:
While Sophia and I did a demo of You're in the Movies, the review is currently being written. Those of you on my XBL friendslist have probably seen me playing. The mad-cap antics born from that [game] should be included in the review.
Also, this weekend, I finished NCAA Football 07. I made some progress on NBA Live 08, but have concluded the last two achievements just aren't worth my time right now, but may be in another three months. thanks to this weekend's basketball and football, some Vigilante 8 on Friday, and some of the aforementioned movie madness, I was able to cross the 80,000 gamerscore threshold. That's okay I suppose.
I've actually found my score really doesn't matter to me. It's all about the completion percentage. Right now I am at 85.61%. If we adjust that for gamertag pollution (from poor insertion decisions by me and others), I am at 87.47%. That's better than where I was this time last year. Although, I still have yet to make much progress on Chromehounds.
Still looking forward to playing The Force Unleashed, the new Prince of Persia, and Need for Speed Undercover during the upcoming holiday break, but Chromehounds and Table Tennis need to get some more play time. I am just not satisfied with the amount I have yet to finish there. That is particularly true of the last challenge I need to complete in Age of Booty. One challenge, 9 online wins, and I'll be done. Oh, if only I had the time. . .
Now, if you will excuse me I have some work to do.