I disagree that this gaming generation has "sucked". Proof of this is that this gaming generation, more so than ever, has grown my backlog of games greatly. I just don't have enough time to play everything I want to.
And yet I'm asking for more games from friends and family for Christmas, which includeds a WiiU and ZombiU. That means my back log looks a bit like this.
Just beat: Halo 4
Currently playing: Hitman: Absolution
Backlogged: XCOM: Enemy Unknown, NFS Most Wanted, Hotline Miami, FTL: Faster Than Light, Red Dead Redemption GOTY edition, Dark Souls, Natural Selection 2, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, Dishonored, Borderlands 2, DOTA 2.
That's just the start. Some of these games I've played well into and just put down for some time, such as XCOM or Borderlands 2. Others are mainly multiplayer indulges (Black Ops 2, Natural Selection 2, DOTA 2), but the growing list made me realize that it's time to start finishing games before taking on more because at this rate, I'll never finish anything.
So with the potential WiiU I'll be getting and in this next generation I'm adopting a policy of beating a game before buying another. This will let me enjoy the games I get, it will help lessen the gaming strain on my wallet and mostly I won't feel so rushed to play a game just to start playing another. Admittedly, I rushed through parts of Mass Effect 3 before I realized I was playing for the wrong reasons -- just to play another game instead of enjoying what's in front of me.
The month of December is kind to me work-wise. I imagine I can finish much of this backlog by Christmas because I stop working for a week before the holiday and have a week off after it. Count in weekends, etc., and I should be able to catch up, but after that it's time to control the gaming.
We should play games to enjoy them and sadly I've been playing games just to finish them so I can not feel like I've abandoned them. It's time to enjoy them fully at my pace.