As many of you have probably noticed, I haven't been the most active person ever, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the half-working comment system or the inactivity of unions as a whole. I just have a hell of a lot more to do with my internet time than come on this website. For starters, I'm starting to make an attempt at taking YouTube WAY more seriously. I'm currently working on some video series to start putting up once a week, and I hope that you guys would care enough to watch.
Besides YouTube, I've been in some smaller yet seemingly more active and enjoyable computer-related forums, mainly, which is a site started by a YouTuber who tests viruses and collects vintage computer hardware/software. On the forum and the chatroom, I'm known as WIN2K3R2, so go ahead and drop by. Oh, and when you register, if it says that registration is on admin approval, you have to send danooct1 a PM on YouTube stating your account name so he can activate it. Also, make sure to read the rules there before you post in the forum or chat, the mods there (including myself) hold a very tight leash and slipping up on the rules is quick to obtain a kick or a ban on your behalf.
Another site I've been on lately is Zeniea, which has gone through a substantial remodel. However, the chatroom is currently members only, so youd have to beg either me (WIN2K8R2) or the site owner (freakyfurball) for a chat user. However, for such an exclusive chatroom, it's practically rule free. Just don't piss off anyone with a blue name or a purple name (especially a purple name). If you wish to hit me up there, just post in the random board, and I'll find you.
Third and final community I've been chillin around in is Cybernetics. I know it's a freeforum, but it's only temporary while the site owner (TheMercenary) saves up for a server. I'm also an admin here at this time, so you'll have connections to the top here. Just like though, don't attempt to bend the rules. The rules are simple though (again just like, so following them shouldn't break your brain.
In conclusion, my internet platter is a bit too full to keep GameSpot in full cycle, so I probably will barely log in here. I'm not "leaving" or "going on hiatus" or any of that, but I'm just checking this site less and less to accomodate for the rest of my internet life. Oh, and soon my real life will get busier too, so come about late August I will log on even less than I do now. That is all I can think of to write, so I'm going to cut here.
-DonutDome (don't forget to check out all the links below)
My YouTube Channel (GhostRecon141): Please check it out and subscribe if you wish... Forum and Chat
danooct1's YouTube Channel
Zeniea (and the chat aswell if you happen to have a login for it)
freakyfurball's YouTube Channel
Cybernetics (and the chat (man I love chatrooms))
TheMercenary's YouTube Channel (ExplosiveProduct)
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