Greetings! I'm not to sure if this is a correct place to post this or if I should be posting this here at all and not some website solely dedicated to computer support. However I have a interesting issue. When I turn on my computer, the computer makes all its normal sounds with no unusual beaps and or sounds the fans start the harddrive light blinks as if windows is loading but the monitor stays blank even though it is on. The light indicating that the monitor is on is a dimed out green rather then a bright green indicating that the monitor is on, and not a yellow indicating that the monitor does not have a signal or if it is asleep and I am unable to turn the monitor off with out unplugging it. If I do unplug the monitor wait a few seconds and plug it back in sometimes the monitor will provide a image and I am able to do things as normal.
The monitor also does this if the computer goes to sleep, I move the mouse the computer awakens but the monitor itself refuses to show an image untill I unplug and replug it [sometimes it takes sevral times of doing this] unless it has been on recently then it shows an image right away. If the computer has just booted into windows for the day and the monitor hasnt shown a image at first when I do the unplug/replug thing and the monitor loads up its at the login screen but at a lower resolution untill I login to windows the monitor blinks and then it shows the resolution ive picked for my desktop [1680x1050]. I am asuming this might be a issue with the monitor in that its dieing cause its sevral year old, but at the same time im wondering if it may be a video card issue. The card is a GeforceGTX 465 with the latest version WHQL certified drivers installed ive not had any issues running any sort of games at max settings. Any suggestions?
Almost forgot to add- The monitor is a LCD monitor model Acer AL2216W
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