So dumber they couldnt think of xbone themserveers like it was that hard to make up a buncha dumb us idiots made it up and were smarter than these clones they work for micsorft and cant come up with anything witty or intelligible scooners! LOLSOALOLSLOLS I bet they like cheese cake on their booty cracks!!
Zorine is really the hot one i dont get why people dont see that, Jess is mediocre, Zorine is way better looking and i think the thing that adds even more hotness to zorine is the fact that she thinks shes not the hotter one and jess the fact that jess acts like the hot one.. I think Zorine is a babe and has a better personality.
Yeeah lefts say :Dead Rising 3 not coming to Xbox 360" so I (im a PS3 owner so obviously i got excited because if it wasn't coming to 360 it wouldbe ps3 cause i keep forgetting were in the next generagtion noi unreal and im prerrt fucked up sory if u cant undergfte me
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