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Cold Storage + Tournament(s)

Unfortunately, with my Xbox beign broken and all, I haven't been able to play the new map, but so far that I have seen, am thinking about putting it into my first (and LAN) Halo 3 tournement. That would be neat for some Free-for-All and Two-on-two-on-two. Well, we'll see.

By-the-by: I'm not going to stop at Halo 3 Tournaments. These are the list of games I'm thinking about putting into a tournament:

Halo 2

Halo: CE

Call of Duty 4

Gears of War

These are the games right now, but expect more, but they won't be any time soon (with the exception of the Halo games, and also expect multiple Halo 3 tournaments, seeing as it's quite popular with my friends), but I think they all have good chance of being a tournament soon.