To Continue with my Top 10 games on the 360.....finally.
6. Call of Duty 4
This has to be one of the best games ever. I love this game to death, despite it being nearly impossible to beat 100% (I have 2 levels and the epilogue left on Veteran, then I'm done), but it's still great and it feels very real by nhot glorifying the war or using any can kind of dramatic spicing up, but just gives it to you raw. If this is one of the best games, why is it at number 6 you say? Because there are to many best games ever. The other 4 just barely beat each other, so get ready to argue with me.
PS: I haven't been on the in awhile because my internet went down. That's why my GS hasn't increased much.
DorkaDorka: 12128
Shortbus215: 4580
Killjoy185: 2655
Crosssacrifice: 365