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I.......have finaly slept. Only 9 hours, but that's ok. I am now fully rested.

Unfortunately I haven't got much to say except maybe........I've made up about 4 songs on my guitar. Pretty good. I need to record them, but only 2 are full songs, 1 needing another verse, and 1 only has an intro and a verse. Oh well.

In other news, I thought I'd list some of the most anticipated games (for me) coming up soon....or eventually.

Fable II: Fable 1 was nearly awesome. It was fun, but a bit annoying for all it's missing parts.

Resident Evil 5: I shouldn't have to comment on this.

Gears of War 2: My main hope for this game is that it's not the same thing we played in the first game, because I got bored of the same thing over and over, though that's mostly because of the 2 levels before the last. Those sucked horribly.

Halo Wars: i haven't played an RTS since WarCraft II, or was it Starcraft? i can't remember....

Rock Band 2: The whole "Downloadable Content For All Games" thing is great. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I mean that your downloadable songs work for ANY Rock Band game. That's what we should be doing in the first place!

Something else I would like to mention: Have you guys seen the new "Xbox Experience"? How weird is that. I'm not sure how I think of it just yet, but it looks interesting at least.

By-the-By: Movie to watch: Memento, ***; This movie is so weird, and a bit hard to follow (but that is the point, so don't feel bad for not perfectly understanding the whole thing, that's the point), but it is defenitely a unique experience. Directed by the great Christopher Nolan, the Director of The Dark Knight, Batman Begins, and The Prestige (all worth watching; Ratings (in order): ****, ***1/2, ***).