Dorkalicious' forum posts
I'd say the DS needs internal memory and memory expansion potential which would allow for more on the games part...another thing I'd like to see is in fact Smash Bros. I mean common it just makes sense.
I agree with a need for internal memory or some sort of memory expansion to store save games on your system and even demos. And, some change in the mechanics so that you don't need to power off every time you want to switch functions.
The only thing that would interest me in a new DS is one that included WPA WiFi encryption so that I could use my DS on WiFi networks with such encryption. I don't view the DS as the same type of portable device as a PSP or IPod/MP3 player. I think it would be a dumb idea to go that route with a device that's known for its simplistic gaming and communication abilities.
I'm bored with built-in cameras in devices.
I own both a PSP slim and a DS lite and must say that I spend more time playing games on my DS because it isn't a huge convoluted machine. My PSP only gets used a few times a month but I carry my DS everywhere with me because it serves its purpose and does it very well!
I appreciate the help. I was just wondering if the Wii had something somewhat identical to what XBL offers with individual logins and the ability to customize without interfering with someone else's customizations. I see that's not necessarily the case now but as I said before I appreciate the help.
Thanks :)
Hey all,
I've grown used to XBL profiles - and the convenience of having personalized settings, access to my own friends list, etc. I just brought the Wii system today and sat down with my boyfriend trying to figure out if this feature or something very similar is available with the Wii since I'll be sharing it with him. In its current state he can't vote without changing my choices and so on. If there isn't this customization available what have others done to accommodate themselves?
This is really nagging me so I appreciate any help with this, Thanks!
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