The first Metal Gear Solid holds the most sentimental value for me, however, MGS 4 was the first and only game to make me cry. Yes, I cried playing a video game....don't judge me!
Dorkisnorkis92's forum posts
[QUOTE="starwarsjunky"]that means its possessed. you need to drive the demons out with holy water. Halcalix
Wouldn't an exorcist be more appropriate? Holy water, whilst effective, would break the PS3:?
But it's...holy.
You already own the games, why is getting rid of them going to help you? If you're planning to sell them it's probably not worth the small amount of money you will get for them.
Honestly I had both for awhile, I had had the 360 for 2 years or so when I purchased the PS3. My use of the 360 slowly diminished partly due to the terrible build quality. By the time I had purchased the PS3 I had sent two 360's out the door with issues and was nearing my third. In the end I sold my 360 and haven't looked back. As far as I'm concerned it isn't worth it to own both consoles, there just isn't enough to differentiate the two systems. The exclusives on the 360 I also was no longer interested in, Gears 2 in my opinion was a total degredation from the first game. Halo I was never interested in either. Those games are basically the selling point of the Xbox 360. Not to mention the fact that the Playstation 3 has finally begun to catch up with the 360 in terms of extras, netflix,, etc with some more hopefully coming down the line. I'm now 100% Playstation again.
You sir are the worked beautifully. How did you ever figure out that a Command & Conquer beta key could be turned into a Medal of Honor beta key through witchcraft such as this? Thanks again buddy, I'm off to go check the beta out!
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