ICU is a UAV/Spy Plane clan. Most of our members decided to stay on blops rather then switch (however we have people on both games) just go to the link below
DoubleDose4's forum posts
hmm stack that is a good question.....oh yea i am putting them the right way up...thats the side that has no picture right?
Lately I've been having trouble with my PS3 reading games (it reads blue-rays, DVD's, and CD's no problem) but the games doesnt matter if it is brand new it just cant read it, a buddy already told me about getting the fans to automatically trying to get dust out by holding eject while turning it on from the back, and it doesnt work
I've heard smoking in the same room could cause problem with the blue ray lens, but how can i fix this? dont want to pay sony to fix it, and not really wanting to take apart, is therea lens cleaner i can get? any thoughts?
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