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Black Stone Cherry!!!!

i have just come back from a black stone cherry gig at the UEA (University of East Anglia) now the two support groups, the parlor mob and Duff Mckagan loaded were nothing to write home about, or write in a blog about as the case may be...but black stone cherry were as good as i expected, with Chris's voice as powerful as it always is and the music was great. i had to spend this gig standing near the back and trying to wriggle my way closer seeing as i got there half way through the parlor mobs set, which wasnt good because it was a sellout crowd and finding a place to stand with a good view was a pain in the A$$. So i didnt get the full experience i was hoping for, but i can still say that it was a great gig and if you even remotely like black stone cherry they are a band you have to see live.

...did i mention they threw out donuts for the crowed?