Ok, so after a week of owning and playing on the new 360 system, all I got is one word, Wow!!!! Ok, so maybe that is more of an expression.
You cant enjoy the 360 without HD and surround sound. Without it, your just playing the same old Xbox. The launch titles were perfect. As I had hoped, I have a great FPS in Quake IV, read my review, and racing in PGR3, sports in Madden and NBA (Holly cow!). I rented COD2 and I'm telling ya, all of these titles are amazing to play, if you like these types of games. Its amazing how better visuals can make a game better. It allows you to get more immersed into the game.
Anyways, the new Live setup is perfect. You can now chat and listen to music outside of the game. So you can do so while poping games in and out without breaking up your music or chat session.
There seems to be quite a few reported probelms with the systems. THat is the risk with leading edge technology. Gets rushed to market, business need to make money quick. I get the whole business side of it. But I've been fortunate. Cross my fingers, knock on wood, my systems havent exhibited any of the reported problems. I know my friends had and his has been shipped back to support for repair.
So overall, I am very pleased with my investment.