@Dannystaples14 @Dr_takapotku @Vegeta-sama @localriot I enjoy playing KZ:SF very much, it's a stunning and fun game. You not liking it doesn't make it a bad game and since you clearly don't own the system and have not played the game or atleast you don't own the game then your opinion is pointless.
@shiss27 @obsequies Titanfall is a PC game, it will suck on xbone. Fast paced FPS is not fun to play on console and not even meant to be played on consoles.
@iamnavarres @TristanPR77 Uncharted COUGH COUGH The Last Of Us COUGH COUGH Killzone 2 and 3 COUGH COUGH GoW COUGH COUGH!!!!!! COUGH!!!!!! Gran Turismo 5 and 6!!!COUGH Beyond Two Souls COUGH Heavy Rain COUGH COUGH!!! And from now on.. all the multiplat games COUGH COUGH!!! The Order COUGH All the upcoming Naughty Dog games COUGH COUGH inFamous Second Son COUGH COUGH Driveclub(check out the upgraded graphics, what forza??) COUGH COUGH All the upcoming games from Quantic Dream COUGH COUGH!!!
Dr_takapotku's comments