A couple of months ago, I made a topic on OT called The Evils of Religion, where I listed 123 wars and conflicts that were cIassified as religious in nature in the Encyclopedia of Wars. My thesis for that topic was to show that religion is not the cause of the majority, or even many, of the difficulties of history.
Now, I'm doing it again. But this time is a bit different. This time, I want to list their combined mortality rate.
Yes. I'm going to attempt to find the combined casualties of 123 historical conflicts. Which means I need to find their individual rates. Starting tomorrow. >____>
The list:
Albigensian Crusade, (Estimated death toll: 200,000-1,000,000, source)
Almohad Conquest of Muslim Spain (Estimated death toll cannot be found),
Anglo-Scottish War (1559-1560) (Estimated death toll cannot be found),
Arab Conquest of Carthage (Estimated death toll is unknown, but is considered to be over 40,000, source),
Aragonese-Castilian War (Estimated death toll cannot be found),
Aragonese-French War (1209-1213) (Nothing on this can be found, let alone the death toll.:?),
First Bearnese Revolt (Estimated eath toll cannot be found),
Second Bearnese Revolt (Estimated death toll cannot be found),
Third Bearnese Revolt (Estimated death toll is unknown, but the leaders at the time exaggerated it as 22,000. Source),
First Bishop's War,
Second Bishop's War (The death toll of the Bishop's Wars is about 1,000. Source.),
Raids of the Black Hundreds (Estimated death toll cannot be found),
Bohemian Civil War (1465-1471) (Estimated death toll cannot be found),
Bohemian Palatine War (See: Thirty Years War),
War in Bosnia (Estimated death toll is 97,000. Source),
Byzantine-Muslim War (633-642),
Byzantine-Muslim War (645-656),
Byzantine-Muslim War (688-679),
Byzantine-Muslim War (698-718 ),
Byzantine-Muslim War (739),
Byzantine-Muslim War (741-752),
Byzantine-Muslim War (778-783),
Byzantine-Muslim War (797-798 ),
Byzantine-Muslim War (803-809),
Byzantine-Muslim War (830-841),
Byzantine-Muslim War (851-863),
Byzantine-Muslim War (871-885),
Byzantine-Muslim War (960-976),
Byzantine-Muslim War (995-999) (Estimated death toll for the Byzantine-Muslim wars cannot be found),
Camisards' Rebellion (See: Thirty Years War),
Castilian Conquest of Toledo (Estimated death toll cannot be found),
Charlemagne's Invasion of Northern Spain (Death toll cannot be found),
Charlemagne's War against the Saxons (Estimated death toll is 4,500. Source.),
Count's War (also known as the Count's Feud. Estimated death toll cannot be found),
Covenanters' Rebellion (1666) (Estimated death toll cannot be found),
Covenanters' Rebellion (1679) (Estimated death toll cannot be found),
Covenanters' Rebellion (1685) (Estimated death toll cannot be found),
Crimean War (Estimated death toll is 277,173. Source.),
First Crusade,
Second Crusade,
Third Crusade,
Fourth Crusade,
Fifth Crusade,
Sixth Crusade,
Seventh Crusade,
Eighth Crusade,
Ninth Crusade,
Crusader-Turkish Wars (1100-1146),
Crusader-Turkish Wars (1272-1291) (The combined death toll of all the Crusades is approximately 1.5 million. Source),
Danish-Estonian War (Estimated death toll cannot be found; may not have been disclosed),
German Civil War (1077-1106) (Also known as the Austro-Prussian War, the estimated death toll is 53,000. Source.),
Ghost Dance Uprising (Estimated death toll is 350. Source.),
Siege of Granada (Estimated death toll cannot be found),
First Iconoclastic War (Estimated death toll cannot be found),
Second Iconoclastic War (Estimated death toll cannot be found),
India-Pakistan Partition War (Estimated death toll is 200-1,000,000. The most educated guess is 500,000. Source.),
Irish Tithe War (The exact estimate is unknown, but I found a figure of 242 murders. Source.),
Japanese invasion of Malacca (Estimated death toll cannot be found),
Great Java War (Estimated death toll cannot be found),
Kappel Wars (Estimated death toll cannot be found),
Lebanese Civil War (Estimated death toll is 150,000. Source.),
Wars of the Lombard League (Estimated death toll cannot be found),
Luccan-Florentine War (Estimated death toll cannot be found),
Holy Wars of the Mad Mullah (Estimated death toll cannot be found),
Maryland's Religious War (Estimated death toll cannot be found),
Mecca-Medina War (Estimated death toll cannot be found),
Mexican Insurrections (Estimated death toll cannot be found),
War of the Monks (Estimated death toll cannot be found),
Mountain Meadows Massacre,
Revolt of Muqanna,
Crusade of Nicopolis,
Padri War,
Paulician War,
Persian Civil War (1500-1503),
Portuguese-Moroccan War (1458-1471),
Portuguese-Moroccan War (1578 ),
Portuguese-Omani Wars in East Africa,
Rajput Rebellion against Aurangzeb,
Revolt in Ravenna,
First War of Religion,
Second War of Religion,
Third War of Religion,
Fourth War of Religion (See: Third Bearnese Revolt),
Fifth War of Religion,
Sixth War of Religion,
Eighth War of Religion,
Ninth War of Religion,
Roman-Persian War (421-422),
Roman-Persian War (441),
Russo Turkish War (1877-1878 ),
First Sacred War,
Second Sacred War,
Third Sacred War,
Saladin's Holy War,
Schmalkaldic War,
Scottish Uprising against Mary of Guise,
Serbo-Turkish War,
Shimabara Revolt,
War of the Sonderbund,
Spanish Christian-Muslim War (912-928 ),
Spanish Christian-Muslim War (977-997),
Spanish Christian-Muslim War (1001-1031),
Spanish Christian-Muslim War (1172-1212),
Spanish Christian-Muslim War (1230-1248 ),
Spanish Christian-Muslim War (1481-1492),
Spanish Conquests in North Africa,
Swedish War,
Thirty Years War (Estimated death toll is 3 million to 7.5 million. It is sometimes exaggerated as 11.5 million. Source),
Transylvania-Hapsburg War,
Tukulor-French War,
Turko-Persian Wars,
United States War on Terror,
Vellore Mutiny,
Vjayanagar Wars,
First Villmergen War,
Second Villmergen War,
Visigothic-Frankish War.
If anybody would like to help by posting the death toll of any of these (plus sources!!!), even just one of these, I would be very grateful. It will take me a long time to get all of it together, but if I finish it, it will be the biggest thing I have done (which isn't much of a compliment towards what I've done, sadly. ).
UPDATE: As you can see, progress is slightly difficult. I know I won't be able to find the death toll of every one of these wars (that's just not humanly possible with the info we have), but I hope I can do better. I have to leave soon.
One thing I have noticed, however: Some of the above wars are listed at least TWICE. For example, the Fourth War of Religion is also known as the Siege of La Rochelle, which is also known as the Third Bearnese Revolt, which is also listed near the top. I doubt this was an intentional mistake, but that means that there are actually FEWER religious wars than I thought.
UPDATE NUMBER 2: I found a nice few websites and I did the Crusades (their death toll is by the last Crusade, and they are all combined). I'm still having a problem, though. I can't find the results for a lot of these; more than I had anticipated. So here's what I'm going to do: Once I'm finished, I'll take the highest death toll I find, and apply it to all the wars I cannot find. So for example, if the highest death toll I find is 2 million, then I'll assume 2 million people died in ever war I could not find a death toll in. I'll be sure to post how it is ONLY an assumption, and not necesarily rooted in any facts of the matter.
UPDATE NUMBER 3: I removed the Brabant Revolutions from the list, due to the fact that I cannot find any underlying religious causes for this conflict nor can I find any religious motivation for it. Therefore, as far as I'm concerned, it does not belong on the list. The Thirty Years War is the most devastating on this list, with casualties as low as 3 million and as high as 11.5 million, and has produced the highest death toll of any religious conflict of all time (unless you're an idiot who believes the Holocaust was caused by religion). However, the 11.5 million deaths have been greatly exaggerated, so I am going with 7.5 million, the next highest best estimate.
UPDATE NUMBER 4: I'm on the "M"'s. I removed one conflict from the list due to the fact I cannot find a single result by the same name, that I haven't posted.
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