My mom had spinal surgery yesterday.
Her neck and back have been hurting her for a very long time, and recently, her left wrist has started to hurt non-stop. She heard from one of her friends about a spinal surgery where the docotor goes in through the front of the neck, pushed the esophagus aside, and does his thing on the spine. When she heard it, my mom was dead-set on getting that surgery. Two opposing doctor opinions later, here we are.:P
It went well. Her neck doesn't hurt (except for, you know, the hole in it), and her wrist finally stopped hurting. We (me, my brother, my grandparents, my two great-aunts, and my step-dad) were in the waiting room of the surgery center for about 9 hours. Her surgery took three hours. The rest were us waiting for her to get a room. . .this same thing happened when my grandfather had open-heart surgery.
When we finally got to see her, she was hungry. She ate four cups of lime sherbet. . .twelve graham crackers. . .and three cups of pudding before they brought her dinner at 6:00. She's coming home today, and is probably on her way right now.
As for me, I got more photos taken by the photographer. Interesting fact: I'm going to need a grand total of three pictures at this thing (one a baby picture), and my mom had her (the photographer) take more than 30. :| I'll post a few pictures later, but I don't have any of them on the computer I'm using.
I also took a tour of Jacksonville University. It's an incredible school, and the people who took us on the tour were also students. The campus is small for a university, but still huge -I got lost.:P There were ten people supposed to go on that tour with me. Every single one of them got sick. I'm extremely grateful for that flu shot I got, with this bug sweeping the nation. . .
I've also been trolling certain Google blogs.:twisted: I wanted to see what people would act like. It's pretty easy to fool people over the Internet.