Dracargen / Member

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Ah, I've finally found some decent books to read.

I am loving this one. It is written by many different authors, each one doing a seperate chapter on many different subjects, including morality, science, philosophy, atheism, Islam, and more. It starts out with a great chapter on morality, whether or not it is relative or absolute, and goes into truth. The whole thing is presented sort of like a court case, where they try to dispense all reasonable doubt. Very good book. My only problem with it is its' sources are old--some of them go as far back as the 1930's. But they are usually on philosophy, and I suppose those don't work like science books, always changing every other week.

This one is similar to the other: Written by many different authors on various subjects. However, unlike the other one, this one is directed toward Christians, mainly. It is sort of like an instruction to apologetics.It's chapter on science doesn't go "EVOLUTION IS WRONG AND FROM TEH DEVIL!!" But it doesn't endource evolution either. It mentions both views and their advantages, and who believes in them, but it doesn't seem to lean in either direction. The main author, Ravi Zacharias, is probably the single most well-known apologist on earth. I've seen people liken him to C.S.Lewis. Now I can see why.

Both books are great, and I would recommend the first to skeptics, and the second to Christians. I've been needing some decent reading material for months now; I thought I was going to go insane.:P